Betta Fish with Plant on Top [Set up + Care] Guide (2024)

Hi there!, I have been keeping fish since my childhood almost 15+ years. I started the hobby with guppies and mollies, but eventually, I became interested in Betta splendens and cichlids. I adore betta fish and flowerhorns to the moon and back. Breeding and grooming them was my favourite part of the journey.

Having a betta fish aquarium decorated with plants on top always creates a delightful look. When it comes to comprising live plants with vibrant patterns above the betta tank, it elevates the overall aesthetics of the aquarium.

If you’re seeking a comprehensive guide to set up a betta fish aquarium with plants on the top side, you’re in the right place.

We’re here to provide you with a detailed guide on this topic, covering every aspect with accompanying pictures wherever possible.

Let’s get started!

How to set up betta tank with plant on its top



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betta with plant on top setup

To set up a betta fish aquarium with plants on top, you should pay attention to five key elements:

  • the tank
  • top cover
  • plants
  • soil
  • maintenance

Each of these components will be covered in the following sections, as this part is dedicated to the setup phase

Choosing the Tank:

betta fish acclimation

When selecting a betta tank for this purpose, opt for a wider tank. This choice facilitates the rooting of various plant varieties and provides ample space for the betta fish to swim freely and happily.

While some people prefer having a betta fish in a vase with a plant on top, we recommend choosing a tank.

This not only offers more advantages for your beloved betta buddy but also provides sufficient space for the plants to grow quickly

The Top Cover:

If you’ve decided to place the stems or leaves of the plant on top of the betta tank, it’s essential to have a sturdy top cover for the container/tank with the right dimensions with vents.

betta fish tank top cover

Numerous aquarium top covers are available in the marketplace, and you should choose one that fits your tank correctly.

We advise against using thermocol (polystyrene) or foam sheets as tank covers, as they tend to break or release harmful substances into the tank over time. Instead use sturdy cups and ensure they are working fine

money plant setup on top

Tank setup with live plants on top:

  1. Spread the aquarium soil for the chosen plant (suitable plants listed below), or if the plant doesn’t require soil, proceed to step 2.
  2. Pour the aged and conditioned water into it slowly. Carefully root the plants. If the plant’s leaves are already long, simply place the leaf ends on the top of the tank; otherwise, follow the 7th step.
  3. If you have a filter for the betta tank, turn it on. Leave the setup for 3 to 5 days, ensuring the filter runs continuously.
  4. After the mentioned days, check the water parameters (pH=6.8-7.5 and Temperature=25-28ºC).
  5. If everything is fine, place your betta in a small container and let it acclimate to the temperature for a few minutes (15-30 minutes). Then, gently release the betta fish into the tank.
  6. Follow regular betta tank care until the leaves or stems of the live plant grow.
  7. Position the leaf or stem ends on the top cover using tie tapes or clips.
  8. Regularly change 20-30% of the water, and perform a weekly 50% water change.

This concludes the basic setup guide for a betta tank with live plants on its top

Suitable plants on top for betta tank

betta fish in a plant roots

When planning a planted tank setup for a betta aquarium, always prioritize selecting plants suitable for betta fish. Also, when the intention is to go for a plant on top setup, it’s crucial to choose the best and compatible plant varieties

Choosing the wrong or incompatible plants for bettas can be distressing for them, leading to stress, boredom, and sometimes even diseases

There are numerous plant varieties suitable for a betta fish aquarium; however, today’s focus is on having plants on the top. For this purpose, we have selected the best and most compatible plants with easy and simple maintenance procedures. They are;

  • Anubias
  • Java ferns
  • Peace Lily
  • Sweet Potato
  • Bamboo

Anubias: It is an easy and simple-to-handle plant for every betta fish owner. These Anubias plants don’t require any substrates to grow, and they are relatively more affordable and widely available.

anubias plant for betta

Java Ferns: Java ferns are the go-to live plants for the Betta aquarium, providing a delightful sight as they grow in the tank. You can use the plant readily with the soil cap attached, eliminating the need for additional substrates.

Peace Lily: Here comes the tricky plant. Peace lily has a high chance of dying while growing in a betta tank, requiring extra care for both the tank and the betta.

peace lily plant on betta tank top

Sweet Potato: The combination of betta and sweet potato offers a visual treat, as the roots spread over the tank and the plant grows above the top, creating a pleasant vibe to observe the tank.

sweet potato betta tank

Bamboo: The bamboo betta tank setting is quite challenging, but it will be rewarding in the end. The plant replicates the natural habitat and is well suited for betta fishes and it consumes the droppings of betta.

bamboo betta tank

Minimum tank requirements for a better environment for bettas

Once you’ve chosen the plants, it’s time to select the tank. The ideal tank for the betta fish with plants on top concept is a 5+ gallon tank with wider dimensions.

If you opt for a 10 or 15-gallon tank, it depends on your personal preferences and how many plants and accessories you plan to include.

However, having a tank with at least 5 gallons of water is crucial for a planted betta fish tank; otherwise, the risk of collapse or failure is significantly high

How to care for betta fish with live plants on top

Once you’ve set up the tank with the above-mentioned choices and guides, it’s time for the care aspect. Unlike a guppy or molly tank where you just need to feed them and water-change, remember, it’s a planted tank with your betta buddy swimming around.

Therefore, it is vital to dedicate the necessary time and care to ensure everything goes smoothly and your betta is happy in the tank

Plant growth and regular maintenance:

betta plants on top

  • Take a picture of the initial tank setup.
  • Place the light and ensure it is turned on for at least 4-5 hours regularly and uniformly.
  • Regularly monitor the plant’s growth and compare it with the initially taken picture.
  • Always be on the lookout for any color changes in the stems or leaves, as it could indicate malnutrition or leaf death.
  • If any issues arise, remove the betta fish, perform a 50% water change, add nutritional solutions, and allow some time.
  • Regularly trim overgrown leaves.
  • If there are any sharp-edged stems, it is recommended to cut them immediately to safeguard your betta.
  • Perform a complete water change whenever the water appears murky or has an unpleasant odor.

Betta fish care for plants with top:

  • Once you add the betta fish to the tank, consistently observe its activity and routine.

planted betta tank

  • It’s better to take some close-up pictures of your betta fish. If any signs of fin rot, body rot, infection, or stress appear, promptly initiate treatment steps to recover the betta fish.

betta fin and scales

  • Regularly check the water parameters and ensure the water filter is always turned on.
  • Trim the roots if they grow densely, hindering betta swimming.

betta stuck in between roots

  • Do regular water replacements with conditioned water.

Wrapping up

Creating a visually appealing betta tank with live plants on top is a great idea to reduce nitrate levels and establish a healthy tank environment.

We believe the guidance provided in this post is highly valuable for you, especially considering the limited information available on this topic.

We appreciate any kind suggestions and thoughts you may have about this post in our comments. Please feel free to drop your comments, and if you have ideas for keeping other plants, we encourage you to share them so we can address any inquiries.

The concept of plants on top is suitable for all kinds of betta fishes.

Thank you so much for your patience. See you in other posts. Signing off, Thaha

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